Reduces the risk of death: anti-inflammatories helps, apparently, if you have a heavy Covid-19

The Covid-19-pandemic keeps the world in breath. More than 8.0 million people have been infected so far worldwide, with the novel Coronavirus, 186.544 in Germany – where it always comes back to local outbreaks.

Reduced Sterberisiko": Anti-inflammatories help, apparently with heavy Covid-19

The anti-inflammatories dexamethasone could reduce the mortality rate in severe Covid-19-gradients. On preliminary results of a clinical study are not yet published and not yet other experts have been reviewed. Patients were artificially ventilated, and the drug received, the mortality rate decreased by one-third, as the leading scientists of the University of Oxford in a press release reports. "Dexamethasone is the first drug which has been shown that it is the Survival of Covid-19 verbessert", Peter Horby, one of the head of the &quot said;Recovery"-Study. "Dexamethasone is a cost-effective, available, and can be used immediately to save lives around the world." Peter Kneffel/dpa

In the "Recovery"-Study scientists investigate the Suitability of already approved drugs as a means of counter-Covid-19. A total of more than 11 500 patients from over 175 hospitals have been recorded, according to the United Kingdom in the study. The dexamethasone part of the study included, therefore, a total of 2104 patients who had for ten days once a day 6 milligrams of dexamethasone. 4321 patients served as a control group.The mortality rate after 28 days was below the artificially ventilated patients is the highest. It was without dexamethasone treatment at 41 percent.

In the experimental group, it decreased by a third. In the case of the patient, the oxygen got, but not artificially ventilated, it decreased by a fifth. In the patients, which required no oxygen, showed the treatment to have no effect. Based on the Figures of 19 patients would be prevented in the treatment of eight seriously ill Covid-by dexamethasone, a case of death, – stated in the message. "These preliminary results of the "Recovery"-Study are very clear – dexamethasone reduces the risk of death in patients with severe Atemkomplikationen", Martin Landray, another study leader, said.

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