Nutrition: How much Iodine the body needs? – Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

The body with Iodine supply

Iodine is an essential trace elements and important building block for the formation of thyroid hormones. The hormones thyroxine (T4) and Trijodthyorin (T3), in turn, are involved in controlling the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats and regulate the body temperature. In addition, the thyroid hormones affect the physical and mental development, growth, performance, and Psyche.

The power of Iodine to an extremely important nutrient. But how much Iodine one should take daily? If you don’t take sufficient Iodine can cause thyroid problems. However, the best way to get to the track element?

Iodine is often too short

For the function of the thyroid gland, and thus the metabolism of the body needs Iodine. The trace element takes on the food, but the supply of the population is not running optimally, and even shows a declining Trend in Germany, says the consumer Association of Bavaria.

Products with iodized salt prefer

In order to provide sufficient Iodine, you should use in the household iodized salt and food to buy, are made in order to be for example in the case of lots sold bread and baked goods in the case. In General, a closer look at the ingredients list reveals whether or not a product contains iodized salt.

Good Jod Suppliers

Much Iodine is in fish and seafood – one of these foods should come once per week on the table, rates of the consumer advocates. Milk and milk products are good sources of the important trace element.

Recommended Iodine Daily Amount

The recommended daily amount in adults is 200 micrograms, in the case of Pregnant and lactating a little higher. Children need, according to the German nutrition society with increasing age, more Iodine from the age of 13, the adult dose of 200 micro is the recommended grams.

The following list shows some of the jodreiche food. The data were based on 100 grams:

  • Whole Milk: 5 -6 Micro Grams Of Iodine,
  • Sardines: 32 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Salmon: 34 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Mackerel: 49 Micro-Grams Of Iodine,
  • Tuna: 50 Micro Grams Of Iodine,
  • Herring: 52 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Plaice: 52 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Kipper: 72 Micro Grams Of Iodine,
  • Redfish: 104,5 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Shrimp and crabs: 130 micrograms of Iodine,
  • Cod: 155 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Bib: 243 Micrograms Of Iodine,
  • Iodized Salt: 2000 Micrograms Of Iodine.

(vb; Source dpa/tmn)

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