Several employees of Döner-Imbiss in Kiel infected city contacted 400 guests

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 14 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 202.442 of them in Germany. The USA report about almost nearly a new record.

Several employees of Döner-Imbiss in Kiel infected city contacted 400 guests

In a Döner-Imbiss in Kiel, several employees were infected with the Coronavirus. The city confirmed on Wednesday. As the "NDR" reported to have lived in two of the infected people in Kiel, a further Infected lived in Plön, Pinneberg and Hamburg.

After "NDR"-Information infected, six of the employees. The health Department has also identied a total of 400 registered guests as a possible additional contact persons. All of them were contacted.

As a spokeswoman for the city of Kiel announced that it has closed the operator of the Snack after the Occurrence of the first cases. Of a breach of the hygiene legislation is currently being considered.

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