Disturbing Trend: 773 new cases – The second wave is already here

The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 15 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 205.274 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: third party greater Corona outbreak in China (07.06 PM) number of Infected in the Austrian tourist high castle rises again (06.49 PM)

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TOP NEWS: Virus moves to the outbreak in China from city to city

07.06 PM: According to the new outbreak of the Coronavirus in Dalian, in northeast China are more than 400 flights to the port city of been painted. Until Monday morning, 79 percent of all flights had been cancelled, as the newspaper "Global Times" reported. In the Six-million metropolis have been reported on the previous day again, 14 new infections with the Virus.

Of Dalian, where the first cases were in a fish factory has been localized, has spread the Virus in at least eight other cities, as state media reported. Meanwhile, about more than 200 diseases in the province of Liaoning, have been discovered. 36 Infected, show no symptoms, under observation.

According to Minister Ma Xiaowei of the health Commission in Beijing, traveled on Friday to Dalian, there is still much unclear about the recent contagions. It could be brought to Beijing in June and Xinjiang in North Western China this month, the third major outbreak in China, since the Virus in China largely under control.

At the beginning of December last year, cases of lung disease Covid were for the first time, been discovered-19 in the Central Chinese city of Wuhan, in the Hubei province, which is considered to be the epicenter of the pandemic. After the peak of the disease in the first three months of the year, China has get the Virus, with strict measures, such as foreclosure of Tens of millions of people in the handle.

With the normalization of life, the Numbers are now rising slowly again – although in a global comparison at a very low level. Of 61 on Monday reported infections were transmitted 57 locally. The North-Western region of Xinjiang has reported alone, 41 new cases.

TOP NEWS: infections in seven Hotels in St. Wolfgang

06.49 PM: The number of confirmed Coronavirus infection cases in German tourists the popular Wolfgangsee in Austria is further increased. The number of positively tested people increased by a further nine cases to 53, a authorities spokesman of the Federal state of upper Austria, announced according to the news Agency APA on Monday night.

So, in the meantime, all on Saturday in St. Wolfgang made 628 Tests were evaluated. On Sunday were to be made according to APA for further 419 Tests, the results of which should be available on Monday. Tested employees of tourism Companies, guests and Locals. From infections, are affected, according to the Austrian news Agency, seven Hotels, a Pizzeria and two Bars in St. Wolfgang. Barbara Gindl/apa/dpa, St. Wolfgang am Wolfgangsee, upper Austria

The authorities assume that the infections mostly go back to interns. "The infected trainees were housed in different quarters distributed and lived in many cases in double – and Dreibettzimmern", the head of the tourism society, lake Wolfgang Hans Wieser said of the APA. The interns met, therefore, in their leisure time, among other things, in the two now-closed Bars.

The spread of the Virus in St. Wolfgang brings back memories of the Corona outbreak in the Austrian ski resort of Ischgl, which was in the March to the Hotspot for Corona infections. In Ischgl were also many tourists from Germany. The Wolfgangsee in the Salzkammergut is the case of German tourists – the 2017 deceased former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl (CDU) spent there over the years, regularly his vacation.

On Friday, the Austrian health authorities had introduced due to the recent significant rise in the number of Corona cases a more stringent Mask requirement. Among other things, in supermarkets, as well as Bank – and post offices, a mouth, nose and must be worn for protection.

WHO: risk of new Corona-infections is rising, when it is cooler

04.51 PM: The risk of new Corona-infections is increasing, according to the world health organization (WHO), when the holiday season comes to an end, and it will be cooler. The reason is that more people are staying indoors instead of outside, said a WHO spokeswoman for the German press Agency. If and when it’ll come but in which countries and to a rise in infections, or of a second wave, was not to predict.

"We know that the Virus is spreading out there is less effective in closed spaces, well ventilated rooms mountains less risk than poorly ventilated, and that the distance is also a role spielt", the spokeswoman said. "Environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature and UV radiation are also likely to play a limited role."

The actual transfer rates depended but by behaviour of people and the protection measures applicable to the risk of Covid-19 and other respiratory diseases spread in colder months, reduce. It could be necessary to impose measures repealed temporarily again.

"We can not make predictions as to when the pandemic reaches worldwide or in a specific country its peak, or where and when we can expect new highlights or waves of cases müssen", the spokeswoman said. The risk of a Resurgence of the disease existed in every country. "The pandemic is a Marathon, not a Sprint deal."

TOP NEWS: 276 new cases in Germany – but many provinces do not report current Figures

21.00: The number of new infections in Germany is 276, however, were reported from five States up-to-date case numbers (Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Bremen, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt). The number of deaths as on the previous day at 9090.

Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.

  • Baden-Württemberg: 36.828 (1841 Deaths)*
  • Bavaria: 50.267 (2617 Deaths)*
  • Berlin: 9000 (223 Deaths)
  • Brandenburg: 3544 (173 Deaths)
  • Bremen: 1745 (55 Deaths)*
  • Hamburg: 5321 (230 Deaths)
  • Hesse: 11.690 (518 Deaths)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 843 (20 Deaths)
  • Lower Saxony: 14.200 (649 Deaths)
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: 47.430 (1728 Deaths)
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: 7426 (238 Deaths)
  • Saarland: 2821 (174 Deaths)
  • Saxony: 5510 (224 Deaths)*
  • Saxony-Anhalt: 1981 (63 Deaths)*
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 3323 (155 Deaths)
  • Thuringia: 3345 (182 Deaths)

*These provinces have reported no new case

Total (As Of 26.07.2020, 21.00): 205.274 (9090 Deaths)

The Day Before (As 25.07.2020, 19.40 PM): 204.998 (9090 Deaths)

Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.

The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 190 000

The number of active cases is therefore 6184

Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 1.22 m (Stand 26.07.20)

The reproduction number, in short the R-value, according to the RKI estimates now 1.22 (previous day: 1,24). This means that an Infected person infects an average of a little more than other people. The R-value in each case forms the infection from happening about a week and a half before.

In addition, the RKI is a so-called Seven-days-R. It refers to a longer period of time and is therefore subject to less current fluctuations. According to the RKI estimates of this value was as of 25.7., 0.00, 1.25 (day before: 1,16). He shows that the Infection occurred from 8 to 16 days.

Corona-Warning-gets App Update

20.23 clock: After technical problems on various Smartphones, the much-used German Corona-Warning-App to get a fix. With the latest Version of technical difficulties to be eliminated on the iPhone from Apple, such as software group SAP and Deutsche Telekom, said. The App is intended to help the further spread of the Virus to bind. Since the Start in mid-June, it was downloaded more than 16 million users.

On the Apple operating system iOS, the App had been replaced as promised, constantly anonymous Codes with other users – the warning-dangerous encounters, however, was not in the Background, but only if the App is not actively opened. Similar problems have emerged in the case of certain Android Smartphones. Cause a power-saving mode that could be disabled on some devices, the update is restricted or even was. dpa/Arne Dedert/dpa Technical problems with the Corona-Warning App also occur in iPhones.

On Sunday evening, the Chancellery chief Helge Braun, Minister of health, Jens Spahn (both CDU), Deutsche Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges and SAP management Board spokesman Christian Small: &quot declared;As with any new development, there are technical challenges. Not on all mobile phones, the application, the App ran without any restrictions." The App have exchanged automatically on the anonymous key. The exchange of the keys of positive tested users did not work for some users, however, always automatically in the Background, but only if you opened the App once. "For the Federal government, as it is for the developers of the company, The development of the Corona was clear from the beginning:-Warning-App is not completed with the Start, but a project that we are working every day to improve the App."

Report: employers to delay new rules for protection against Sars-CoV-2

19.21 PM: half A year after the outbreak of the Corona pandemic in Germany is still uniform requirements for the protection of workers struggle. Although the Federal Ministry of labour has created in mid-April a “Sars-CoV-2-work protection standard”, with recommendations, mandatory and nationwide rules there are, so far. According to research by "Süddeutscher Zeitung" and the network Buzzfeed News Germany, the employers ‘ side, delayed the project.

Some organisations attempted to use the crisis even to the work of protection even further down instead of up. So hot, in a letter to the Confederation of German employers ‘ associations (BDA) from the end of may: The design for the Corona-work protection rule could “strongly reduce and restrict to the Essential”. And further: “In terms of the urgently needed full back up of business-related driving to all of the regulations to practice, quick and easy feasibility to be tested!” Specifically, it should go in the new rules, fundamental things, such as to mask duty, and distance, the separation of jobs, a more frequent cleaning and better ventilation systems.

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  • Germanys Corona-Warn-App: That’s how it works

  • Further messages to the Coronavirus from this News Ticker you can find on the next page

    • Overview: for the Latest Corona-rules in your state 

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