American hospital ship USNS Comfort is leaving New York

The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath, More than three million people have been infected worldwide with the novel Virus – 160.576 of them in Germany.

The in the Corona-crisis, to the relief of the hospitals to New York, sent a hospital ship "USNS Comfort" leave from the port of the metropolis again. Numerous vehicles and boats from the police and fire Department adopted the ship on Thursday (local time), local media reported. The "USNS Comfort" should now return to its home port in Norfolk in the US state of Virginia, and on the next use to prepare. AP The “USNS Comfort” docks – the Corona located in New York has relaxed

The vessel with 1000 beds and twelve operating rooms had at 30. March on the West side of Manhattan created. Actually, it had not intended to record only with the novel Coronavirus infected patients, in order to relieve the hospitals of the metropolis. Then it was converted, however; in him, finally, around 180 patients were treated with the Virus, which could now be all fired up again. Because the situation in the hospitals of New York, meanwhile, is relaxed again, the "USNS Comfort" the city’s port, where it last after the terrorist attacks of September 11. September 2001, had created, now again leave.

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