Want to be more productive? Try energy management

I’ve always been obsessed with productivity tips and tricks, and I’ve spent years reading and absorbing any information I could find on how to improve my overall productivity levels.

When I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 30, however, suddenly my obsession made a lot more sense.

What I thought was a hobby-like passion for productivity was revealed to be a coping mechanism — a way for me to combat my own struggles with staying productive — and the tools I’d learned over the years were my desperate attempts to find a solution to a life-long struggle.

As a result, I’ve come to consider myself somewhat of an expert in productivity. I’ve tried almost every single hack in the book — I’ve even started writing my own book — and if it works for me, then chances are it might be helpful for at least a few other people.

While my own journey with productivity has taught me many things, including the realisation that productivity isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, there’s one practice that continues to stand out as the most transformative: energy management.

Here’s what you need to know.

Productivity is more than time management

Most of us have a traditional view of improving productivity. We see it as a time management issue, so we rely on improving those skills — multitasking, buying a new planner, downloading a popular to-do list app — as the best way to improve productivity.

In reality, there’s a key factor that we’re all forgetting: time is limited. It’s hard to optimise a finite resource, so unless you’re able to duplicate yourself in order to get more things done in the same amount of time, you’re going to hit a wall where improving your productivity beyond that point becomes difficult if not impossible.

As a result, we try doing things that we feel are making us more productive will help regardless of whether or not they’re actually working. We start multitasking, despite the fact that research suggests only 2.5% of the population can multitask effectively, because it gives the sensation of efficiency without actually delivering better results.

The life-changing power of energy management

I learned about energy management thanks to a YouTube recommended video for Rowena Tsai’s popular take on the subject, and — to be completely honest — I was skeptical. There was something about it that sounded good on the surface, but part of me doubted whether managing my energy levels could actually make a significant impact on my daily life and productivity levels.

After all, the philosophy behind energy management is fairly simple. Instead of optimizing your day based on the amount of time you have available, you learn to understand your personal energy levels — including which tasks increase and decrease your energy — and organise your day accordingly. Sounds good, right? But will it actually work?

For me, the answer was a resounding (and surprising) yes.

How to get started with energy management ASAP

The best way to get started with energy management is by performing what Tsai calls an ‘energy audit’. There are two ways to go about doing this. In her video, Tsai uses a quick graph of her energy levels throughout the day, primarily noting if/when energy levels dipped or spiked, but I opted to use The Habit Scorecard mentioned in James Clear’s bestselling book, Atomic Habits.

The way it worked was simple. On a piece of paper, I listed all of the habits and activities that are part of my regular routine — even seemingly small tasks like ‘putting on sunscreen’ — and marked them as energising, draining, or neutral.

From there, I took note of my energy levels throughout the day on a broader scale. Was I more energetic in the morning or afternoon? Did my energy levels dip at a specific time every single day? Are there any patterns that started to emerge once I paid careful attention to my energy levels?

Once you have this information, it’s time to structure your daily routine accordingly.

If it’s possible, start by focusing on the broad trends first. As someone who has high energy levels in the morning, I rescheduled my most draining tasks forward to mid-morning. Tasks that typically energize me — like going to the gym or taking a nap — were shifted to the afternoon when my energy levels normally dip.

Next, you can use what you’ve learned about your energy levels to further optimise your day.

If you know that Zoom calls leave you exhausted, try scheduling an energizing activity like a coffee break immediately after your next one. If you’re someone who crashes every day around 4pm, like me, this might mean shifting your work day forward an hour or two so you can clock out before the crash happens, or even scheduling your easiest tasks for when your energy is lowest.

It can take a bit of trial and error to find the best options for you, but this flexibility-forward approach to productivity made a massive impact on my life.

Not only was I able to be more productive with a few strategic swaps, I also discovered ways to prevent my energy from crashing entirely. Even in situations where I wasn’t able to change my schedule — like work-related tasks and meetings — simply understanding how something might impact my energy made it easier for me to plan for it.

This made me more productive, yes, but it also made a significant impact on my overall mood and stress levels. And in a time like this? That’s definitely a big win.

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