Diabetes UK, a healthcare professional and research charity, has revealed a ‘superdrink’ that has far-reaching benefits to diabetics, including lowering blood sugar levels. For one, this ‘superdrink’ contains theanine, an amino acid that controls blood pressure levels and lowers stress.
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Stress is notorious for causing blood sugar (glucose) levels to spike, so less stress means lower blood sugar levels.
Secondly, Diabetes UK insist that studies have shown this “superdrink” to improve insulin sensitivity.
As anyone suffering from the condition will know, diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.
This is when the pancreas creates insulin that either can’t work effectively or not enough of the hormone is made.
Insulin – when functioning properly – allows your body to use the sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food you eat for energy.
Thirdly, Diabetes UK report that research suggests this “superdrink” – yet to be revealed – reduces the risk of cancers associated with type 2 diabetes: pancreatic, liver, and endometrial cancer.
So what is this “superdrink” so highly recommended by the research charity?
The answer is tea. Yes, tea. But not just any kind. Specifically, these health benefits only apply to black or green tea – no sugar, no milk and no herbal version.
What a comforting pairing to have with your breakfast first thing in the morning.
All teas come from the same plant – Camellia sinensis – which are then exposed to different levels of processing and oxidisation.
Black tea – also known as red tea – is the most oxidised and its sun-drying process gives it its distinctive colour and flavour.
Green tea, on the other hand, hasn’t undergone the same withering and oxidation process used to make black tea.
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Both teas are thought to have originated from China, as far back as 2737 BC.
And, as time went on, tea reached Portugal, where Catharine of Braganza fell in love with the hot brew, who then went on to marry Charles II, resulting in the beloved drink reaching the drawing rooms and court of England.
Nowadays, tea has become a staple in British homes – including that of Buckingham Palace – and is highly popular across the world.
Other health benefits of tea include helping people to keep healthy blood pressure levels.
With high blood pressure affecting eight out of 10 people with type 2 diabetes, this finding isn’t to be dismissed.
Additionally, tea has a number of heart health benefits and, with Diabetes UK reporting that “heart disease is one of the most common diabetic complications”, this ancient beverage just gets better and better.
The NHS adds that “a healthy diet and keeping active will help manage blood sugar levels”.
And the health body says: “You should go for a regular diabetes check-up once a year to make sure your blood pressure and cholesterol (blood fats) are OK.”
Regular check-ups are important to keep an eye on your health.
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