Richard Dreyfuss health: ‘It’s just part of me’ – actor’s ‘illness’ explained

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The actor has won multiple accolades for his craft, the first being an Academy Award for his performance in the 1978 film The Goodbye Girl. At the time, Dreyfuss was the youngest-ever actor to have won the award and went on to win a Golden Globe and BAFTA award for his other roles. In a throwback interview, Dreyfuss opened up about his bipolar, which for most of his childhood he never understood, until he realised that he was slightly different to his friends.

When featuring on an episode of the Today programme back in 2013, Dreyfuss explained: “I didn’t know it was a manic state.

“I just thought I was really happy, and everything that was bad, I turned to good.

“Every once in a while, when I was talking, I would find myself getting up and talking louder and faster and louder and faster and louder and faster, until my friends would say, ‘OK, OK. Let’s get the big circus cables and throw them around his ankles and pull him gently back to Earth.”

Unbeknown to him why he acted like he did, Dreyfuss went on to explain that doing any sort of written homework was unthinkable due to his extreme anxiety, but he could “talk like crazy”.

The star went on to say that he almost “enjoyed” his manic episodes until one ended. He said: “I looked around and it looked like I had made some rude noises.”

At the age of 19 Dreyfuss came to a critical point in his illness, when he suffered from a wave of depression. The episode became so severe that he sought psychiatric therapy to better understand his condition.

After learning that his actions were somewhat beyond his control, the star learned to embrace his bipolar.

“It took away all of my guilt because I found out it wasn’t my behaviour — it was something I was born with,” Dreyfuss explained of his bipolar diagnosis.

“I didn’t feel shame or guilt. It’s like being ashamed that you’re 5-foot-6 or something. It’s just part of me. I’ve enjoyed my illness.”

As well as embracing bipolar himself, the star as tried to help others and in 2006 he starred in the documentary The Secret Life of the Manic Depressive, where he spoke about individuals often feeling shame about their condition.

“Stigma is silly; stigma is stupid; stigma is what other people think about you,” he added.

“I, first of all, don’t know anyone who’s normal. Everybody’s got something, and I come from Hollywood so no one even argues the point. ‘Stigma’ is a word that should be kicked away — and ‘shame’ and ‘guilt’ — because it’s a condition.

“When I didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, but that didn’t mean I was running from it. There have been some bad moments, but name any human who hasn’t had highs and lows, ups and downs—you name that person and I’ll tell you he’s a liar.

“I’m, personally, not in a hurry to get rid of my condition, but most people are.”

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that mainly affects individuals’ moods. These moods consist of the following:

  • Manic or hypomanic episodes, which means feeling high
  • Depressive episodes, which means feeling low
  • Potentially some psychotic symptoms during manic or depressive episodes.

Symptoms of bipolar may differ depending on which mood an individual is experiencing, but unlike simple mood swings these episodes can last for several weeks or even longer.

During a manic phase of bipolar disorder, individuals may:

  • Feel very happy
  • Have lots of energy, ambitious plans and ideas
  • Spend large amounts of money on things you cannot afford and would not normally want.

Whereas during a depressive episode, individuals may have a continuous low mood or sadness, feel tearful, feel anxious or worried or have suicidal thoughts.

Getting treatment for bipolar can help individuals to control the effects of an episode and live a life as normal as possible. In addition to medication known as mood stabilisers, individuals are usually offered talking therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which helps them deal with depression.

The NHS also recommends trying lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, planning activities, eating a healthy balanced diet and getting more sleep.

For confidential mental health support, call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: [email protected] for a reply within 24 hours. Alternatively text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text “YM” if you’re under 19.

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