The Coronavirus is spreading in Germany: 1318 people have already died, 91.314 with Covid-19 infected. Worldwide already more than a Million cases were registered. In the meantime, the USA registered with more than 266.000 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
The number of Corona-Infected approaches in Germany, the 100,000. As of now, the States report insgeysamt 91.314 cases, nearly 6000 more than on Friday. The number of deaths increased from 1152 to 1318. Most of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-affected continue to Westphalia.
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 18.515 (363 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 23.049 (370 Deaths)
- Berlin: 3626 (24 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 1388 (24 Deaths)
- Bremen: 388 (6 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 2882 (14 Deaths)
- Hesse: 4325 (48 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 523 (5 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 5764 (89 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 19.405 (250 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 3627 (33 Deaths)
- Saarland: 1410 (21 Deaths)
- Saxony: 2843 (32 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 921 (12 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 1568 (17 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 1080 (10 Deaths)
Total: 04.04., 20.00: 91.314 (1318 Deaths)
Stand from the day before: 03.04., 20.25 PM: 85.432 (1152 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
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