Health: Through proper Drinking, the power increase – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Not too little drink – and not too much

Adequate hydration is important for human health. But how much should we drink? And is it true indeed, that can be improved by increasing the fluid intake the concentration, and kidney function as well as detoxify?

The human body consists more than half out of the water. It is indispensable for us and plays a Central role in the body, explains the Federal centre for nutrition (BZfE) on its website. Those who drink too little, you risk health problems. But you can overdo it also.

Values Drinking Lot Of Your Choice


At the latest when the Thermometer rises to summer temperatures, reminds you that Drinking sufficient liquids is important. As the BZfE explained, worked our organism only if the water is in balance. From one to two per cent fluid loss, the physical and mental performance is reduced.

A lack of water can lead according to the experts in serious and sometimes irreparable damage to the organism. Too little liquid in the food to deteriorate, firstly, the flow properties of blood degradation products can be excreted via the kidneys, muscles and brain are no longer supplied with oxygen and nutrients. In the worst case, it can lead to kidney and circulatory failure.


But what is the desirable amount of drink is that? For a healthy adult is around 1.5 liters per day as a Minimum. In physical activity and/or high summer temperatures due to increased sweating even more.

Ideal thirst quencher and fluid suppliers are above all water and unsweetened herbal and fruit teas. Also the juice mixed with three Parts water and one part juice are suitable. Sugar-sweetened beverages, according to the German nutrition society (DGE) are not recommended because they often contain a lot of sugar and unnecessary calories. As a result, the risk for Obesity, type 2 Diabetes mellitus and tooth decay is on the rise.

Modern Nutrition Myths

Although a lot of drinking is good for the body and mind, but you can overdo it also. As the BZfE writes, it is one of myths to the modern Diet, that a lot of go to have a drink with numerous benefits, such as improved detoxification, improving kidney function, improving performance, improving concentration, better skin, and much more.

“But is a “MORE Drink”, which is defined as a supply of fluid, which goes BEYOND the coverage of the natural thirst sensation, and with meals/between meals, accompanied by fluid intake, in addition to, really, with positive effects connected?”, ask the BZfE.

The specialists clarify that there can be no doubt that in different situations, adequate hydration must be ensured. The care of small children and also old people may not drink enough liquid or do not want to hear especially. In older age, the thirst is diminished perception, as you know, so many senior drink inside, and seniors, too little, or not to drink (want) what you should.

Thirst regulates the necessary fluid intake

But how much to Drink is ultimately healthy? Professor Wilfred Druml Department of Nephrology, Medical University of Vienna, says: “The most frequently cited assumption that an increased fluid intake and the associated increased quantity of Urine leads to a “flushing” and improved “detoxification” is wrong.” The amount of urine is hormonally regulated. More water in the body means more secretion of water and not more toxins.

A further basic assumption is that increased fluid intake will lead by increasing the blood volume to an increase in renal blood flow (improvement of the renal function), was not correct. Whether, as often claimed, a higher drinking amount to a reduction of the energy intake in patients with obesity (obesity) lead, is not clear.

There are certainly situations and diseases where an increase in fluid to be feed is considered to be favorable. This does not however apply to the healthy General population, says the scientist.

Development history the fact is that the man (adapted as other mammals) are genetically to a lack of and very good with a “little” can handle, bad however, with a “too much”. This relates to almost everything: energy, Protein, salt and water. The water balance is precisely regulated by the Interplay of the organ systems of the brain (thirst centre), skin, and kidney, regardless of the current liquid feed.

The sensation of Thirst is regulated to the necessary fluid supply is effective. Druml, according to give no scientific justification for a “over-drinking”, so excess fluid intake, in Healthy a relevant physiological parameters improve. (ad)

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