Cher: ‘I was screaming in pain’ star recalls harrowing health ordeal at age 18

Cher performs ‘If I Could Turn Back Time’ in 2019

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The star, 76, rose to fame in the 1960s, performing with her ex-husband, the late Sonny Bono as Sonny & Cher. As well as sharing fame with Bono, the two also experienced tragedy together. Cher suffered her first miscarriage of several at the age of eighteen, which she has recently spoken out about amidst the backlash over the US Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade – a court ruling that gave women the right to have an abortion.

“I was alone in our house,” explained Cher on Twitter on Monday.

“Son [Sonny Bonno] came home & I was sobbing, & rocking on our floor.

“When I got 2 dr I was screaming in pain. Couldn’t even stop in elevator.”

When Cher reached the doctor, she was sent straight into the operating room.


This follows her previous attack on the overturning of the Roe v. Wade decision. In another tweet, she wrote: “Women will bleed out and die, while some group of old, white, Republican men decide what medical treatment you deserve.”

Years after her miscarriages, the star went on to have two children with Sonny Bono, whom she was married to between 1964 and 1975, and then with Greg Allman.

Cher has spoken in further detail about her “nightmare” miscarriages in the past.

Talking with Parade magazine back in 2010, she said: “It’s a spontaneous miscarriage, something that spontaneously aborts the fetus. It’s called an angry uterus.

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“After the third time, it got to be a nightmare. People would be congratulating me because I was pregnant, and then I wouldn’t be, and then they would be like, ‘Oh, we’re so sorry.’ I thought, ‘God, I don’t want to have to hear this anymore.’”

Miscarriages specifically refer to the loss of a pregnancy within the first 23 weeks.

In medical terms, they are often described as spontaneous abortions – as Cher alluded to, although choose not to use the term.

There are many factors that can cause miscarriages, including issues with the baby’s DNA, and placenta, as well as long-term health conditions, medication, and food poisoning.

The uterus issues that Cher spoke about may refer to the womb opening too soon, or other abnormalities in the womb such as growths known as fibroids or having an abnormally shaped womb.

However, most miscarriages are said to be caused by “abnormal chromosomes in the baby”, explains the NHS.

The chromosomes contain the instructions for how the fetus will grow, as well as thousands of other factors like eye colour and gender.

Sometimes, these structures can be faulty: there may be too few chromosomes or too many – causing Down syndrome. These abnormalities increase the risk of the pregnancy ending.

Miscarriages are sadly very common, affecting roughly one in eight pregnancies in the UK, according to the British health body, and roughly one in ten in the US, according to Mayo Clinic.

Factors such as obesity, smoking, using drugs, consuming a lot of caffeine, or drinking alcohol can increase the risk of miscarriage.

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