Arthritis: The anti-inflammatory diet that ‘can improve joint pain and other symptoms’

Rheumatoid Arthritis: NHS on common signs and symptoms

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More than 10 million people in the UK suffer from either arthritis or similar joint conditions. The inflammatory condition can target people of all ages, even children. Perhaps the worst aspect can be the pain that comes with arthritis. And what you eat and drink can play a role in managing the condition.

Even though arthritis affects your joints, what you eat can also have an impact on the condition.

Arthritis Foundation explains that many foods can help fight inflammation and ease joint pain.

The principles of an arthritis diet aren’t much different from the cornerstones of any other healthy diet.

However, there’s one specific diet known for its plentiful benefits that may be especially potent.

The charity shares that the Mediterranean diet has “anti-inflammatory and disease-fighting powers”.

Famous for its ability to cut the risk of various health conditions, Mediterranean diet could help improve joint pain and other symptoms of arthritis as well.

As the name suggests, the popular diet combines traditional habits of people living around the Mediterranean Sea.

Although it may vary from region to region, the principles are pretty much the same.

A Mediterranean diet is packed with vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats.

The staple of this diet is olive oil, used for cooking and seasoning.

From the description, you might have noticed that this diet is low in foods like meat and dairy.

When it comes to arthritis, all of the ingredients that make up this diet can benefit the inflammation caused by the joint condition.

For example, one recent study looks at the particular benefits of fish for arthritis.

Research suggests that taking fish oil supplements helps to reduce joint swelling and pain in those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, Arthritis Foundation reports.

What’s more, fish is a good source of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids.

The charity advises that while health authorities recommend three to four ounces (85 to 113 grams) of fish, twice weekly, more is better according to arthritis experts.

Another example of the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet are nuts.

José M. Ordovás, director of nutrition and genomics at Tufts University in Boston told the arthritis charity: “Multiple studies confirm the role of nuts in an anti-inflammatory diet.”

One study even found that people who consumed the most nuts had a 51 percent lower risk of dying from an inflammatory disease.

The bottom line is you should always make sure your diet is healthy and balanced if you suffer from this condition, the NHS adds.

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