Visceral fat: The detoxifying drink that ‘significantly’ reduces the harmful fat in weeks

Dr Zoe Williams discusses visceral fat on This Morning

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Fat exists in myriad forms, and visceral fat, which is packed around the organs, seems to be the most harmful. It is becoming increasingly clear that as waistlines grow, so do the health risks. The condition is linked to metabolic disturbances and an increased risk of disease. Fortunately, one hot drink may significantly reduce the fat in weeks.

Ginger has traditionally been touted as a medicinal antidote for its anti-inflammatory effects. But growing evidence implies the spice may also be a candidate treatment for visceral fat.

One meta-analysis of studies found that ginger prompted significant weight loss benefits, and had a significant effect on body weight and belly fat.

The study, published in the Critical Reviews in Foods Science and Nutrition established these effects by measuring participants’ waist to hip ratio.

Further research published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of health, set out to establish the effect of the spice on women who suffered from obesity.

READ MORE: Visceral fat: The superfood that ‘suppresses appetite’ and burns the ‘dangerous’ belly fat

Researchers administered two one gram tablets of powdered ginger to the participants each day over a period of 12 weeks.

The group saw significant decreases in their appetite and body measures compared to the group who received a placebo.

Researchers noted that the effects were pronounced in individuals who carried a specific set of genes, which suggested that ginger conferred stronger effects in some people more than others.

However, further experiments are needed to establish the clinical significance of these findings.

The visceral fat-reducing effects of ginger can be broken down into several different mechanisms.

The active ingredient of ginger, gingerols, can encourage certain biological activities in the body that have an anti-obesity effect.

It’s been suggested that ginger suppresses appetite, which enhances calorie burn.

By speeding up digestion, the spice may also help stabilise blood sugar levels, which is also essential for weight loss.

What’s more, further research suggests the anti-inflammatory qualities of ginger may target the oxidative stress associated with visceral fat.

The spice has been shown to positively affect cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and inflammatory proteins in the liver.

Visceral fat

Visceral fat can stem from hormonal balances in the body, but more often than not, it results from over-consumption of calories.

As with any type of weight loss, exercise offers the most logical approach to reducing visceral fat.

Certain foods, namely ones that contain higher levels of soluble fibre, can help prevent belly fat gain.

This is because the fibre mixes with water to form a viscous, gel-like substance that slows down how fast the stomach releases digested foods into the gut, according to Healthline.

One study found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fibre eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years.

Findings also revealed that increased moderate activity results in a 7.4 percent decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period.

What’s more, getting enough sleep may also impact visceral fat storage, with those who sleep less than five hours at greater risk of the condition.

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